
IT Products


 Key Features

  • It gives you a visual overview of what is being worked on and who is working on it.
  • Allows us to keep production levels high and maintain flexibility
  • This system  allows  individuals or teams to track a project and collaborate or contribute where they can be most useful or where it is most needed.

To-Do List is a Task management software that allows to manage work using task lists, which keeps track of your own to-do list and stay on top of any report’s workload.  It helps to visually map out tasks and deadlines, sharing the plan with team and easily updating it as the work progresses and things change. The task list allows planning ahead by day, week or month and seeing the status at a glance. The Search and filter to focus from anything to individual person’s workload can be done.


  • Enables you to organize and prioritize your projects in a flexible and rewarding way
  • Helps the team to stay organized.
  • It allows you to view  tasks list, their status and timeline at a glance through dashboard feature.

The Project Monitoring, Management and Evaluation system is a Web-based system designed to reduce the gaps and challenges faced in managing projects from Start to End. This System serves as an effective tool for monitoring the progress of deliverables by allowing smooth work flow among departments, staff from various branches.  Communication with clients and external vendors can be conducted over this platform. The Project works on role based access to the system to display relevant information and for information security.

Key features

  • Single platform to manage all project related information. Based on the accurate information that is recorded and obtained in the system, the Senior Management, Project Managers and Engineers can make more accurate decisions on their subject matter.
  • Project managers can upload all subtasks into the system according to the project numbers on the same of similar interface for each engineering department.
  • With the CRM system embedded into the whole Project Management System, we are able to understand our clients better at a glance, what projects (past & present) we have with them and what was discussed in our last meeting.



  • This system allows to streamline the project operations allowing the employees to focus on their main job scope on hand , improving the overall productivity.
  • The system provides proper data management and information by allowing information consistency throughout the project’s lifecycle, starting from the inquiry stage till the completion of the project. When the data is saved in the database, redundant and outdated data will be eliminated and data recovery will be more manageable
  • Data can be used to provide an accurate reference for future projects and senior management can make use of the information collected over the years to study trends of the market to provide quality information to our clients.

Resistance and Propulsion

Key Features

  • F1
  • F2
  • F3

New ship types and applications continue to be developed in response to economic, societal and technical factors, including changes in operational speeds and fluctuations in fuel costs. These changes in ship design all depend on reliable estimates of ship propulsive power. The estimation of ship propulsive power is fundamental to the process of designing and operating a ship. The methods whereby ship resistance and propulsion are evaluated will never be an exact science, but require a combination of analysis, experiments, computations and empiricism.

Notwithstanding the quantity of commercial software available for estimating ship resistance and designing propellers, this software has ability to carry out these calculations from first principles  . This provides accurate, faster and transparent view of the calculation process and a deeper understanding as to how the final answer is obtained.


  • B1
  • B2
  • B3